Only time will tell what the cards of fate have planned for.
The series' God Tiers vary from Planet level to Multi-Solar System level thanks to characters such as Algol who have full control over Astral Chaos, while Top Tiers range from Mountain level due to Soul. It is as true and as much yours as anything else that ever happened to you. Trust your happiness and the richness of your life at this moment. It revolves around the story of two opposing swords, though it also focuses on characters with little connection to the story. Suzanne is not a horrible person masquerading as a nice one, just an angry one pretending to be normal.
There's also word that Soul Calibur 5 will come to the Wii U, so it may hold a currently-unnanounced exclusive character as well. Soulcalibur is a series of popular fighting games by Namco Bandai. We have complete faith that whoever (or whatever) guest character Namco Bandai decides will include in Soul Calibur 6 will be great, because they haven't given us any reason to doubt their ability to blow our minds when it comes to awesome roster additions. All would be awesome, but we felt the five we picked stood out - especially since Dovahkiin may just be Lizard Man, depending on the race players assigned him, and Cole is already in Street Fighter X Tekken. Some honorable mentions go out to Final Fantasy's Cloud, inFamous' Cole McGrath, and Skyrim's Dovahkiin.
This mod is intended for SOULCALIBUR 6 Version 02.30.00+ and beyond. This mod changes the Character Select Screen into a aesthetic variant of your choice. Silohs Character Select Screen Collection.

There are tons and tons of characters from other games we'd love to see make an appearance in Soul Calibur 6, and there will likely be even more by the time the game actually gets around to being announced. Updated CSS to fix issues with certain users unable to load the mod regardless of others loading. That's why we've created a list of the five guest characters we would love to see crossover into this treasured fighting franchise, so without any further delay, let's take a look at who should appear in Soul Calibur 6. When customizing a fighter in Soul Calibur 5, upon choosing your preferred weapon (or soul), the next prompt is for the height of your character. With the special guest character for Soul Calibur 5 already decided upon - we can't help but dream about which guest character will appear in Soul Calibur 6. Throughout the years we've seen the likes of The Legend of Zelda's Link, Todd McFarlane's Spawn, Tekken's Heihachi Mishima, God of War's Kratos, and even Star Wars' Yoda and Darth Vader appear in various installments and versions of the series. Soul Calibur has been a battlefield filled with crossovers ever since Soul Calibur 2 (with the exception of Soul Calibur 3). The Assassin's Creed mainstay will likely become a fan-favorite amongst newcomers and veterans alike and that has nothing to do with his move set - it's based purely on the allure of playing as a crossover-based character. Soul Calibur 5 has finally landed on store shelves this week, and we imagine fans of the franchise are enjoying the series' latest special guest character Ezio Auditore.